The best method for treating and preventing many chronic diseases is staying at a health resort. One of the most famous resorts in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the Borovoe resort.
The Republican Rehabilitation Center "Burabay" is located in the very center of Borovoe, among numerous lakes, on an elevation covered with pine forest. The fame of the Borovoe resort area is created by the clean air, rich in resin and essential oils, which has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole.
The history of the health resort begins in the early 19th century, when Omsk nobility, led by the governor-general of the city of Omsk, built summer cottages for recreation, which were later given for the treatment of tuberculosis patients. The Borovoe Sanatorium was organized in 1910, when Dr. Emelyanov began treating tuberculosis patients in a boarding house with 30 beds. Vacationers were recommended to breathe pine air and drink koumiss, which was delivered here from the nearest steppe auls. The opening of the sanatorium caused a sharp increase in the influx of patients to Borovoe. In 1913 alone, the number of vacationers exceeded 2,000 people, with patients coming not only from Siberia but also from European Russia. The village began to grow rapidly.
However, its development as a resort began in 1920. M.I. Kalinin signed a decree "On the nationalization of private dachas and sanatoriums." Borovoe was awarded the status of a national resort. In 1923, the People's Commissariat of Health, taking into account Borovoe's natural wealth and its grand future, took the resort under its direct supervision. By 1934, the sanatorium had 500 beds, then the number was increased to 750 beds, 250 of which operated year-round.
Borovoe, with its natural conditions and resort wealth, was to be used as the main resort base for serving the population of Central Kazakhstan, as well as adjacent areas of Siberia. Alongside the expansion of the network of sanatoriums for tuberculosis patients, the construction of general somatic sanatoriums for the treatment of patients with silicosis began. It was decided to treat patients with stomach diseases, musculoskeletal system disorders, and nervous system diseases with the therapeutic waters and mud of the May-Balyk and Balpash-sor lakes.
During the Great Patriotic War, the "elite" of Soviet science, prominent scientists and figures of the USSR Academy of Sciences, headed by Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, were evacuated to Borovoe. These were scientists of world renown: N.F. Gamaleya, N.D. Zelinsky, I.I. Schmalhausen, L.S. Berg, M.I. Pevzner, Maxim Gorky's wife Maria Fedorova, and many others. Initially, it was planned to evacuate the academicians to Tomsk, but this decision was changed in favor of Borovoe. The first academicians and doctors of science, along with their families, arrived in the summer of 1941. In total, 160 academicians visited here. They continued to work on the problems that were a priority for them. V.I. Vernadsky prepared a fundamental work on the history of the earth in Borovoe, studied mineralogy issues, N.F. Gamaleya worked on topics of great importance for practical medicine: "Treatment of Malaria," "Influenza," B.M. Lyapunov completed a book on the ancient connections of Western and Slavic languages.
Many scientists were captivated by the wealth and beauty of our region and immediately after arriving began to study the nature of Borovoe. N.F. Gamaleya, having studied the natural conditions of the resort, prepared the work "Therapeutic Factors of Borovoe," besides actively treating the wounded and sick, L.S. Berg was engaged in the possibilities of acclimatizing carp in the reservoirs of the region, prepared a work on the topic "Climate of Borovoe," S.A. Zernov together with academician I.I. Schmalhausen studied the plankton of Borovoe lakes, A.A. Richter conducted work on the topic: "Medicinal Plants in the Conditions of Borovoe," V.I. Sukachev studied the local forests, and professor L.A. Ivanov - the water regime of pine and birch, common in this area. The I.M. Sechenov Central Scientific Research Institute was evacuated from Sevastopol to the Borovoe region, whose workers studied the climatic and balneological factors of the resort, provided qualified consultations to all hospitals and medical institutions of the Akmola region. Despite the difficulties of wartime, scientists in Borovoe could keep up with the latest events and scientific achievements in the country and abroad. Valuable literature and scientific periodicals necessary for the work of scientists were delivered to Borovoe by special train from Moscow. Thus, a huge library was assembled, with a collection of 70,000 books. Many academicians donated books with their autographs to the Borovoe resort library when they left, and some books are stored in the library fund of the "Burabay" Rehabilitation Center, being the pride and priceless relic of our organization.
Not all academicians and their family members returned to Moscow. Many of them were of advanced age and passed away on Kazakhstani soil: academicians F.I. Shcherbatsky, M.A. Ilyinsky, B.M. Lyapunov, V.I. Vernadsky's wife. Vladimir Ivanovich himself lived in Borovoe until 1943.
Over 100 years, a huge number of employees have worked at the "Borovoe" Sanatorium, many of whom are now retired. Their work brought fame to the sanatorium during WWII and in the post-war period. In 2008, the "Borovoe" Sanatorium was renamed the "Karagay" Rehabilitation Center, in 2016 to the Republican Rehabilitation Center "Burabay," and in 2022 the Institute of Balneology and Medical Rehabilitation was formed on its basis under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
At present, the Institute of Balneology and Medical Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan safeguards people's health, continuing and multiplying the glorious traditions of its institution, fulfilling the noble task of increasing the country's main capital - the health of the people.
The history of the Shchuchinsko-Borovskaya resort area
Kazakhstan is a natural storehouse of diverse minerals, a country of amazing contrasts of nature. There are forests and mountains, lakes, rivers and seas.
And among the ocean of wheat fields, the magical resort of Borovoe stretches like an oasis.
We have been walking on this earth for decades and we never cease to be amazed by the wonderful creation of nature. Borovoy's generosity lies in the fact that every day you find and discover something new, poetic, and unique for yourself. The gloomy, drowsy forest is replaced by a merry dance of birch trees. Forest freedom does not let go, cleanses not only the lungs, but also the soul.
According to Professor P.L.Dravert, who has been studying Borovoye's geology for many years, in the Paleozoic, the place where Borovoye is now located was covered by the sea, from which land in the form of islands and peninsulas protruded in places. Mountain-building processes, raising and lowering of the earth's surface were constantly taking place here. As a result of the displacement of tectonic plates, a powerful release of granite masses took place, which were located under the sedimentary rocks.
Under the influence of water, air, and as a result of weathering, the granite masses in Borovoye acquired a mattress-like shape. That's why many rocks, hills, and cliffs seem to be made of slabs with rounded edges, resembling huge pillows.
By the end of the ice Age, the humidity of the climate gradually decreased, and the climate became continental and dry. Numerous lakes and large rivers gradually became shallow, and the valleys were filled with sediments. The landscape has acquired modern outlines.
All the uniqueness of Borovoye's nature is determined by granite mountains with quartz inclusions. It is a very loose rock. Therefore, under the influence of temperature fluctuations, as a result of weathering and under the action of water, numerous depressions, depressions, canopies, and holes have formed in the rocks. As a result, the mountains and rocks of Borovoye acquired an extremely picturesque and bizarre appearance. The chemical composition of granites also affects the composition of lake water and the formation of healing mud. Granite mountains are of particular importance for the Borovoi climate. A large mountain range causes the formation of a special microclimate with increased precipitation, lower summer temperatures, and better protection from the winds. As a result, vegetation grows luxuriantly on the slopes of the mountains and at their foot, trees and shrubs grow, which are not present in the steppe zone.
But it would be a mistake to assume that there is only one rock in Borovoye-granite. Only the minerals that form granites include aluminum, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, uranium and thorium. Precious and semi-precious stones were found in different regions of the Borovsky Reserve. For example, deposits of chrysoprase and chalcedony have been discovered in the Sary-Adar range. Between Lakes Dzhanabai and Bolshoe Chebachye, in the vicinity of Lake Balpash-Sor, deposits of jasper were discovered, which are not inferior in beauty to Ural rocks. Scientists have proved that over 90 different minerals have been found on the territory of the Borovsky Reserve. Archaeologists have also revealed that the Scythian tribes also mined ore and loose gold on the territory of Borovoye, and since 1836, native gold has been found in placers along the hollows descending into the Bolshoe and Maloe Chebachye lakes. The richness and variety of minerals and trees allowed the development of numerous creative workshops for the manufacture of fine crafts and souvenirs.
An unforgettable look is given to our region by numerous lakes with mirrored
clean, transparent water that has formed as a result of climate change and the drying up of large reservoirs and rivers. These are the drops of the ancient sea, which roared with its waves over the Sary Arch.
According to the memoirs of local residents at the beginning of the 20th century, climbing to the top of Mount Kokshe (Sinyukhi), on a good clear day it was possible to count more than 70 lakes in the area. Nowadays, unfortunately, their number has decreased significantly, to about 30. The Borovoye lake group has one common feature-almost all of them are located from 300 meters or more above sea level. Lake Shchuchye (400 m) is considered to be the highest and deepest. All lakes of the Borovskaya resort area are named after representatives of the ichthyofauna that live in abundance in these reservoirs.
All Borovoye lakes are divided into 2 groups. Large and deep lakes darken at the foot of the mountains and in the forests: Borovoe (Auliekol), Bolshoe Chebachye, Maloe Chebachye, Shchuchye, Kotyrkol, Lebyazhye, Karasye, Gornoye, Teke-kol, Ak-kol, Dzhainak, Zhukey. The second group is steppe lakes. They have a murkier shade, are desalinated, salted, and look like round saucers scattered across the steppe. During the dry season, some of the steppe lakes even dry up.
The water in the lakes is fresh, because until recently they were flowing. At the end of the last century, three of them were combined into one water system. From Lake Kotyrkol, water flowed through the Sary-Bulak River into Lake Borovoe. The Gromovaya River, or Gromotukha, flowed from Lake Borovoe, which flowed into Bolshoe Chebachye.Until 1888, Lakes Maloe and Bolshoe Chebachye were connected by Lake Maybalyk, which was then a strait.
The water level in the lakes is constantly fluctuating. Unfortunately, in recent years, there has been a drop in water levels in all reservoirs. Lakes are heavily overgrown with vegetation and are under threat of waterlogging. This is due not only to climate warming, but also to a sharp increase in the influx of tourists to Burabay and the construction of a huge number of sanatoriums, hotels, and rest homes that disrupt the water balance of our region.
The main element of the beauty of the Borovoi landscape is forests. The mountains and valleys are filled with a dense growth of various trees, shrubs and grasses, berries and mushrooms grow luxuriantly in their shade and in the clearings.
The main reason for the richness of vegetation is the peculiarity of the soils, as well as the fact that almost 1.5 times more precipitation falls over the mountainous part of Borovoye than over the steppe. The soil drains very well in Borovoye. The water does not stagnate in the upper layers of the soil, it goes deep, taking with it the salts contained in the soil, which is very favorable for the growth of pine trees. In addition, dying plants and a thick layer of pine needles form humus.
The area of pine plantations is 20,000 hectares, and 7800 hectares are under birch plantations. The forests of Borovoye were not always the same as they are now. The pollen finds prove that in the old days deciduous trees (alder, oak) were spread here, which needed a warm and humid climate. During the ice Age, deciduous forests were replaced by taiga vegetation, and then, after warming, by pine forests.
Not so long ago, the forests of Borovoye were more dense. Even in the steppe and on the melkosopochnik, trees grew. But over the past 100 years, our pine forest has suffered significantly from human mismanagement and the irresponsibility of vacationers. But pine grows and
recovers very slowly.
Therefore, we must not forget that it is the forest that is the greatest air purifier, which gives us such phytoncides necessary for the pulmonary system. The forest air is twice as ionized as the sea air. The forest is a protector of soil and water. How many medicines are made from medicinal resin, buds and needles?
The fragile beauty of Burabay's nature has always needed protection. Back in 1898, the Borovsk forestry Department was organized and the forestry college was transferred from Omsk. Teachers and students of the college played a major role in the improvement of the Borovsky forest and the study of its unique nature. Already in our time, by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 12, 2000, it was decided to create the Burabai State Natural Park. Employees of the National Research and Production Enterprise "Burabay" and local residents regularly work to clean forests, coastal areas and settlements from dirt and debris.
Therefore, wherever you come from, do not be indifferent, take care of the beauty of our native, unique, magical land. Don't forget, a lot depends on ourselves, on our attitude to the fragile and unique world around us. We, the locals, never tire of repeating: I would like to hope that in 100 and in 1000 years our descendants will be able to admire the beauty of Borovoye and draw inspiration and energy from contact with this amazing place.
The history of the development of sanatorium treatment in Borovoye
There are 3 granite massifs in Kazakhstan, covered with beautiful pine forests, with a peculiar healing climate: Borovoe, Bayan-Aul and Karkaralinsk. But according to the geographical location, the convenience of communication routes, the nature of the area, and the wealth of therapeutic factors, the Borovoe resort has always been in the first place.
A rare combination of mountains covered with coniferous forest and numerous lakes, crystal clear air has long attracted people here for rest and treatment.
Now, perhaps, it is no longer possible to establish exactly where the name of the resort region came from. Russian settlers dubbed the picturesque tract "Borovoe", apparently in honor of the beautiful pine forest and the abundance of wild game in the forests. The original inhabitants of the rich lands, the Kazakhs, named this place Burabai, according to legend, in honor of the beautiful white camel Bura, who gave his life, guarding and protecting these lands from enemies.
For various reasons, not out of fads.
The name of the area is given to each.
And so, in honor of Bura, they named Burabai, an
oasis and a lake where a prophetic camel lived.
At the beginning of the 18th century, Russia, the northern neighbor, began to penetrate into the Kazakh steppes. In 1716, the Russians founded the Omsk fortress on the banks of the Irtysh River. Later, a fortified Omsk-Semipalatinsk line was built. Soon, Cossack settlers stretched the "Bitter Line" from Omsk across the steppes to the west to the Orenburg lands, building fortifications, settlements, and founding villages.
Energetic and grasping Russian industrialists could not pass by the vast mineral wealth of Central Kazakhstan. In the 20-30s of the 19th century, extensive exploitation of Borovoye's natural resources began, around the same time industrialists began to develop gold placers in the vicinity of Burabay.