
The Research Institute of Balneology and Medical Rehabilitation held a running tournament among employees:

Fullname Post Phone number Email Days and time of reception
Kairgeldina Sayagul Aidarovna Director of the RSE at the Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Medical Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan +7(71636) 7-11-46 sanborovoe@mail.kzThe third Wednesday of each current month from 15.00 to 17.00
Akhmetzhanov Yerlan Rakhimovich Deputy Director for Economic and Administrative Affairs +7(71636) 7-11-46 sanborovoe@mail.kzКаждую пятницу с 15.00 часов до 17.00 часов
Sadykova Myra Mirambekovna Deputy Director of the Medical Department +7(71636) 7-11-46 sanborovoe@mail.kzEvery Thursday from 15.00 to 17.00
Artakshinova Asel Seitzhanovna Deputy Director for Organizational and Methodological Issues +7(71636) 7-11-46 sanborovoe@mail.kzEvery Tuesday from 15.00 to 17.00

Authorized persons on access to information:

Fullname Post Phone number
Kurmangaliуv Nurbek Yerlanovich Head of the Digitalization Department 87716601000
Marlan Yessilbaev Zhumageldinovich Head of Marketing and International Cooperation Department 87472392953

Contacts of the RSE at the Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Medical Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan :

Address: Central office - 010000, Astana, Dostyk Ave. 13/3, 5th floor Branch of health and wellness center "Burabay" - 021708, Republic of Kazakhstan, Akmola region, Burabay district, Burabay village, Kenesary street 1

Reception: +7(71636) 7-11-46

Registration office: Building No. 1: +7 (71636) 7-11-44 Building No. 3: +7 (71636) 72-5-28 Building No. 5 for Children and Adolescents: +7 (71636) 7-17-28

Paid Services Manager: +7 777 195 9560 (during working hours from 09:00 to 18:00)

Chief accountant: +7(71636) 71-6-65

Accounting general: +7(71636) 7-16-70
